Sunday, 6 May 2012

Longing just to bring, something's that of worth..

Oh man. So much I could talk about right now. SO much. Life has been accelerating big time recently. But yeah. I just felt a deep stirring to just write. So I think I'm just gonna let Jesus take the lead here and use my fingers to write for his glory. Sounds good? I thought so.

(8) It's all about you, It's all about you Jesus. ♥

Man I'd forgotten how awesome this song is. I mean, I've sung it a hundred times over and yet it still has such well, meaning. This song pretty much sums up life in general I think.

(8) I'm sorry for the things I've made it, when it's all about you.

We spend so much time living our lives, not really giving too monkeys about what happens all that much, just doing what we need to do in a particular day and going to bed. It's like, in our day to day lives do we really remember to look back and think about what Jesus has planned for our day? What amazing journeys he could take us on? 
Life was not an accident. Every person on this earth was born with a divine purpose from the maker. But most of the time, we just think about what we want to do with it, and not what God wants to do with it.

I've been struggling big time recently, trying to get the energy and motivation just to well; LIVE really. God came to give us life and life to the full (John 10:10) and he really wants us to share in this life! But I just can't. It's so difficult.

So yeah. At Church today I went and had a prayer in my heart asking Jesus to come in and give me a renewed hope for life. And so I went, not really sure what was going to happen but with an expectancy, that at least I'd see a glimmer of God's awesomeness. And I did, but it came in a way I never expected too (although let's be honest, God likes to shake things up a little bit so really I should have realised!) We had a talk on God's plan for the talk and in general, just about revival. Man I love revival! A lot. I can't wait for it not gonna lie! But yeah, and during the talk the guy preaching just got so excited about what God had in store for the world I just started giggling! hehe Jesus is awesome. And there was this one quote which just really stood out to me personally. 

"Vision for the future gives us power and strength for the present."

And suddenly I remembered. Not only why I was in Sheffield but why God healed me the first time, why I'm doing biblical studies. Everything in general.
This is not about me. It never has been and probably never will. Sometimes that really gets me down, but that's for reasons which are way too complicated to get into on a simple blog. But yes. I didn't come here for my own good. It was God's calling that took me here. It's my vision, to own a counselling practice giving free counselling to depressed women of all ages. Mostly teenagers though. This is something I really want to see happen, and if I want to get there, well- I'm gonna have to actually get out of my bed and live. 
I got the hope I asked for, but not for my own future, for God's. And tbh, that's the best way around to have it! YAY JESUS.

Okay. I think that's enough for now. ♥

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