Wednesday 20 July 2011

This is me... ♥

Hum. It's weird now I'm in this kinda post-exam funk where I don't really know what to do with myself. Like. I'm going out and having fun and seeing friends etc but somehow it's just not fitting. Something's out of place. I imagine my relationship with God has a major part to play in making things right but at the same time I think I really need to figure out who I am as a person. Cause like. During primary school I was the crying girl, then I was the crazy annoying hyper one, then I was depressed and now I'm kinda a mix between the 3. I've never really taken the time to  learn who I am personally, or be who I am personally, because life's always gotten in the way, and I've been molded around life, which is not really how it's supposed to work!
I think I need to learn some more about me- so this post is going to be me writing down some random facts about myself, in the vain hope that I'll learn more about myself along the way.

This is me. (the girl obvs. the guy is Alex)
I am Sarah Louise Parsons, born on the 17th of February 1993.
Sarah Louise Parsons means- Princess Warrior Son of a Parson.
I think that names have a particular influence on who a person is, like, they were named that particular name for a reason and that has a particular influence on their life. Like, the thought of me being a Princess has tended to be a key theme my whole life, like through pictures of me from God have influenced prizes etc. My Baptism verse was Deuteronomy 7:6 "For the Lord your God has chosen you out of all the people's of the earth to be his own, my treasured possession. It was not because you were the biggest... but because he loves you."  And I was named Sarah because I used to make mum laugh when she was pregnant with me, like Isaac did when Sarah was pregnant, and that whole bible story, that and my mum just generally loved the name. I'm named Louise after my auntie. But in the same way I think it's a symbolism of strength. I admire my auntie so much, she is a strong beautiful woman and someday I hope to have that strength. But without sounding full of it I've had my fair share of troubles over the years, and somehow I think I must have developed a significant strength to have made it out the other side, so the term warrior is almost like, prophetic to the way in which I live my life, with strength to make it through all the bad times.
Son of a Parson? Yeah not too sure about that one, but at the same time I agree that I've been raised up within the Church so that kinda makes sense. But apart from that nothing. :/

I've been told recently that I tend to love everything, I fall in love very easily with things. I never say "I like ..." it's always either I love or I hate. Weird right? I never really noticed this before... I don't really hate much at all, or rather I never thought I did.

-The Beach
-Kids Films
-One Tree Hill
-Grey's Anatomy
-The OC
-Playing the Piano
-Coffee 1
-Tea with four sugars♥
-Aero Hot Chocolate
-Soul Survivor
-Text Section in the Metro
-Pensarn Harbour
-Card Games
-Most Board games in general
-The SUN♥
-The Fam.
-Hot men (phwoar)
-Sporting Games (any excuse to be competitive)
-Wkd (espesh the purple one)


Hum. Love it :) (lol literally)

Films wise-
♥Chick Flicks- the sorta classic ones that make you cry because they're so cute and romantic:)
♥Action films- as long as they're not depressing then they're so much fun. I love watching things blow up- rather exciting. Major fan of the special effects.
♥Clever films- I know that isn't really a genre- but I love films where you try and figure out what's going on and that excitement that comes along with it- like inception where the whole way through you have to figure out what's going on otherwise the plotline doesn't work. It's so much fun! I guess I just like using my brain.

The same kinda goes with books- I love books that are cute, but also ones like the da vinci code which you try and understand in your head. And just books with a lot of drama. So much fun! ♥ Me and Kelly used to go to the library like, twice a week just to read and have fun. So much fun over there :)

I get wound up over my fears- I tend to go from one onto the next and suddenly it takes over my life. I know this is dreadful but I can't help it! Luckily now I haven't got any overwhelming fears thank goodness for that! :D
I cry a lot. I just get really emotional. I don't have to be upset to start crying, I just will. Especially at films, man! I cry a lot. Everyone thinks it's hilar. :/
I view things through my rejection glasses- and use that as an excuse to not trust a person. I have major rejection and trust issues- I'm working through them but I'm not gonna lie. They play a major issue on how I live my life.

Music wise- I tend to love everything. Except like.. hip-hop and all that main-stream computer generated rubbish.
I go through phases of my favourite genres. At the moment I'm really liking the old crooners and music from the 40's.
Some of my other phases include; glee, pop, cheese, r'n'b, Metal, Punk, Rock, Pop Rock, Heavy Rock, Country. ♥
I tend to still love all of these old songs, but go through phases of what I listen to the most. Oh and of course I listen to my Christian worship music a lot, but that's kinda expected.

When playing games etc, I tend to have really good moments where my brain tends to be at it's optimum and play really well. Then suddenly I'll crash and do really badly and just look awful. By this point I'm so embarrassed by knowing how good I used to be I stop trying in order to know that I'm playing badly because I'm choosing not to rather than just not being good anymore. I used to be relatively good at most sports, in a way I was rather proud of, but then I got kicked of the house hockey game in year 8 because of one silly mistake and this girl refused to let me in any other sports games and from that point on I stopped trying in order to not be embarrassed anymore. I know that's slightly ridiculous. More than slightly. But that tends to be how I play games these days. I'll be really good and try right at the beginning, and love it a lot. And then I'll start making silly mistakes, be humilated and angry and then I stop trying. Woopsies. I'm working on that though.

I always have to be right. I accept other people's opinons, honestly I do! But in the midst of a debate I am right. Always. Even when I know I'm wrong. It used to be just because I was that stubborn, but recently as soon as I've given up the fact that I'm not always right I get mocked for it because I always insisted on being right before. And then they laugh at me for being wrong. It actually really hurts when I try and work through my problems and then people laugh at me when I try and become a better person, like when I told my family I wanted to start getting fit, or when I actually looked at someone's feet in Croyde and everyone started being like.. "oh sarah, I thought you hated feet." etc etc.
So for now I'm stuck in these faults. :/

Okay now I think that's enough. That'll do anyway :)

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