Thursday 15 September 2011

Amazing Grace how Sweet the sound..

I was watching "this morning" earlier today, and they were discussing what the punishment should be for the rioters, and discussing different typse of punishment and whether they would be affective or not. It made me think so much.
They were talking about going back to this old scheme in which the guilty has to visit the victim and face what they've done and try to repair it. But then the people who were discussing it were like.. is that enough? And one guy wanted to send them straight to the front line of Afghanistan. 
While I was watching this discussing my head was just spinning with the argument about whether they deserved forgiveness or not. (The Rioters. not the people talking about them.) Well. Not whether they deserved forgiveness because let's be honest here, not one human deserves forgiveness! That's just the awesome thing about Christianity. But it was more like, If I were a victim on the riots, what type of Justice would I want. I know I'd like to think right now that I'd just forgive them straight away, they don't know what they're doing and whatnot, but at the same time I've never been in such a position to understand those who don't want to forgive.
But really, what those rioters need is a big case of Grace. To know what hope is like in their lifes and that they don't need crime to make something of themselves. And is going to face the victims who most likely just want to get even in some way gonna help them? It would hopefully knock at their conscience but most of the time that doesn't change their life.
You know what does change lives? Forgiveness. Jesus. The promise and hope that life doesn't have to be that way.
These people need Jesus so badly. How exactly are we gonna let them know that, and more importantly, how are we gonna show them forgiveness and love?

Once more. I've kinda gone off on a tangent. Still not sure whether anything I've written has made sense, but I felt there is an important message in their somewhere! I just hope the spirit is coming out through this post and that can be what people get out of reading this, understanding what God wanted to say through me rather than just getting confused. Well, let's hope so anyway!

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