Sunday 1 July 2012

Sunday afternoon

Start at the very beginning, what's your name?

Sarah Louise Parsons

 Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? 

I own two pairs, and I love them. :) 

If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

 I have no idea. Probably spy, I'm just a tad nosey.

Does the person you like, like you back?

I have no idea! Deffo like.. platonically at least.

 What did you do last night? 

I can't even remember. Haha eventful huh?! Oooh I remember! I was having a bad day so I cried in bed whilst watching Moulin Rouge with ice cream and cake :)

 Has anybody ever given you butterflies? 

Indeed they have, although this is incredibly rare.

Are you your mum’s favorite child?

Hahaha she doesn't have favourites.

 Are you happy with the way things are going?

Yeah I guess.

Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?

I always wake up in the middle if the night.

 Sleep on your back or stomach? 

On my stummy :)

 What were you doing before this survey?


 Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles? 

 I do quite a bit yes, no idea why though!

How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?

 Oh ages these days.

 It’s Thursday night, where are you usually? 

 Hmmm I dunno, at uni I'll be at the interval with Jon and Jake (and sometimes Benji) playing Munchkin and other fun things.

Your Christmas list consists of?

 I have not thought that far ahead..

 What movie is in your DVD player? 

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?

Mmmm, probably Texas.

 What's the greatest thing that happened to you today? 

Being reminded that I'm loved.

Have you ever felt like you weren't good enough?

Far too often.

 What’s going on tomorrow night? 

 Ooh I don't know actually! 

Do you know a lot of people with the same phone as you? 

 Well I have an iphone, so yes.

Is your hair curly or straight right now?

Straight I thinks. 

 What do you really think of Starbucks Coffee? 

 I LOVE STARBUCKS. But not so much coffee.

 Does anyone love you? 

Yes, yes they do :)

Want to be taller or shorter?

I like my height :)

What are you listening to?

 When was the last time you really laughed?

I can't remember actually... it was probably at myself though.

Do you listen to music every day?

Probably :)

Last song you heard?

 So emotional - Glee.

 Is the last person that you had a conversation with a male or a female? 


 What’s the last thing you said out loud?

I can't remember. I did just say 'okay' to Haze though.

 How was your day?

It was rather nice thank you.

Describe how you feel right now in three words:

 Tired but okay.

 If someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say? 

Err I have no idea.

Has a girl sat on your bed before?

They have.

 Plans for Saturday? 

Headed to Sheffs!

Who was the last person besides yourself to touch something on your face?

Probably my mummy.

 What was your dream about last night?

 Oh gosh let's not go there. It was WEIRD.

Do you have a reason to smile right now?

I do.

 Where were you at 9 am this morning? 


Everything happens for a reason?


 Are you too forgiving?

I don't think that's actually possible, I do believe in the power of forgiveness though, yes.

 Do you think people talk about you?

Most likely.

 Do you and your parents get along? 

As well as most parents and children do.

 This time last year, were you single? 

 I was indeed.

 Have you ever been searched by the cops? 

I have not.

 Do you always wear your seat belt? 

Oh yes, I get far too scared otherwise!

Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?

Yes indeedy.

 Is there someone you wouldn’t mind kissing right now? 

 I wouldn't MIND I guess... ;_

Ever sang a whole song without missing any lyrics?

All the timme. I love song lyrics. :)

 Has someone close to you ever told you they were going to commit suicide because of you? 

err no?

 Do you think you’ve changed over the past year? 

Oh I've changed so much over the last year. But for the better, and I only have the big man to thank for that.

Do you care if people talk badly about you?

I do, but I'm trying not to.

 Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? 

 Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes.

Where were you at 10:17 pm last night and what were you doing?

Watching Moulin Rouge in bed.

 Other than this, what are you doing? 

Talking to Snippy.

Were you happy when you woke up today?

I honestly can't remember...

 Who did you last get into a big argument with?

Oh gosh probably one of my family.

Last thing you ate?

 Chocolate Moose.

 What are you looking forward to in the next three months? 

Spain :D

Are you a morning person or a night person?

Night. Definitely an owl.

 Has anyone sang to you? 

 Oh yes.

How often do you lose your voice?

I've only ever lost it completely once. But almost loosing it, far too much!

Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?

Hahaha.. err yes :/

 Be honest, do you like people in general? 

 I LOVE people.

 Does anybody hate you? 


Is there something you’re looking forward to next month?


Does it bother you when people get drunk?

Not really. I got drunk far too many times this year for it that to bother me!

 Are you mad at someone right now? 

Only a little bit.

 Will tomorrow be a good day?

It should be.

Do you like hugs and kisses?


What’s on your bed?


Last person on your bed?


Is there one person in your life that can always make you happy?

Jesus Christ.

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