Tuesday, 3 July 2012

I ain't missing you at all.

STEP ONE: spell your name with songs.
S-- So Emotional
A- Ain't No Fooling Me.
R- (the) Reason
A- Any way you want it
H- Hit Me With Your Best Shot

– name: Sarah Louise Parsons
– birth date: 17/02/93
– eye color: Dark Brown :)
–hair color: Proper Brunette.
– zodiac sign: Don't care.

–the shoes you wore today: Black Dollies.
-- your weaknesses: Fear.
– your fear(s): Too many. 
– your perfect pizza: Ohhh it's the really nice store bought one by a company I can't remember... but it's mozzorella (sp) .. but preferably wheat free!
– goal you'd like to achieve: Pass Uni!

– your best physical feature: My legs, My Smile or My Eyes.
– your bedtime? whenever I conk out I guess!
– most missed memory? Oh my uni friendies!

this or that...
– pepsi or coke? Err if I had to pick (I don't like either) I'd say Coke.
– mcdonalds or burger king: Mcdonalds. Everytime. 
– adidas or nike: Err adidas :)
– chocolate or vanilla: OH MY GOODNESS. Chocolate. No question.
– cappuccino or coffee: Hmmm only just starting to like coffee really. Hmm.. I'm gonna say cappuccino though, cause I'm really good at making them :)

do you..
– Smoke: Never have never will.
– curse: Only if I'm drunk.
– sing: All the time.
– dance: On the wii?
– want to go to college: I'm at uni indeedy :)
– like high school: It was alright.
– want to get married: Yes, oh my goodness yes!
– get motion sickness: don't think so.
– think you're attractive: .. I don't think I'm ugly?
– think you're a health freak? Haha no!
– get along with your parents: Most of the time.

in the past month...
– gone to the mall: I have indeedy. Or Cabot anyway!
– eaten an entire box of oreos: Don't like them much.
– eaten sushi: nope! I feel like this should change though.
– been on stage: Nope :(
– gone skating: I don't think so.
– made homemade cookies: No but that really makes me miss Cat's!
– gone skinny dipping: I haven't done that in just under a year!
– stolen anything: I have not.

– played a game that required removal of clothing: Don't think so.
- flashed anyone: Hahahahaha... yes. Not on purpose though.
– shoplifted: I have not.

– age you hope to be married: Just after uni hopefully!
– numbers of children: 3 or 4.
– describe your dream wedding: It will be amazing. That's all I'm gonna say.
– what country would you most like to visit? malaysia.

in the opposite sex..
– best eye color? mmmm Blue.
– best hair color?: Brown.
– short hair or long hair? Short, but I guess long hair suits some people..
– height: Taller than me, deffo. The exact height doesn't really matter though.

– number of CDs that i own: too many.
– number of tattoos: none.
– number of piercings: 1 (well.. I set of piercings.)

personal quiz-
who were you with yesterday? Heidi at the cafe, and any one I served.
what woke you up this morning? I don't really remember...
where are you? In bed.
is tomorrow going to be a good day? Hopefully.
do you like anybody? Yeah.

passed out because of alcohol? I have not! WIN.
whats on your mind RIGHT NOW?  How awesome Tyler Hilton is.

what kind of house do you want? one full of love. 
what do you want to be when you grow up? a mummy and a wife :)
where do you see yourself in 5 years? Just finishing my first year of counselling course.

do you like candy necklaces? Mmmm yummy :)
when was the last time you fell over or ran into something? Earlier.
do you listen to music every day? I do indeedy.
do you still go trick or treating? never did it in the first place.
what was the last thing you ate? Cottage Pie :)
are you a fast typer? I am! Haze gets proper freaked out by how fast I do so.
whats your favorite type of soda? Lemonade?
have you ever moved? To uni?
have you ever won an award?  Not a proper one.
are you listening to music right now? I am indeed.
how long till your birthday? Err 8 months? I think.
when were you the saddest in your whole life? Yeah let's not go there..
what time is it? 22:50
do you use ebay to buy or sell? I do not.
who makes you mad? Being manipulated to be/behave a certain way.
have you ever heard a song written about you? As far as I'm aware? Nope.
something you want to happen in 2011?  Oooh it's 2012 now. So I don't know.
summer 2010? Was awesome.
honestly,do you miss 2010? Sometimes.

1. what color is your underwear? Grey.
2. whats on your mind? Missing you.
3. what are you doing right now? Typing here then going to sleep.
6. have you done something bad today? I don't think so?
8. who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Err Mummy :)
9. are you jealous of someone right now? Don't think so.
10. what makes you mad most of the time? Myself.
11. do you bite your nails? Sometimes.
12. have you had an eating disorder? how attention seeking is this question?! No, I have not.
13. do you want to see someone this very moment? That would be nice.
14. are you keeping a big secret now? I am indeed.
15. do you have a friend you dont actually like? They wouldn't be my friend if I didn't like them!
17. are you in denial? Don't think so?
18. do you get up in the middle of the night and eat? I do not.
19. do you like anyone? You've already asked me this. Yes, I do.
20. does anyone like you? Well I did get asked out by a guy as I was on my God walk today, so I guess so!

1. what do you do when you're mad? Nothing. I'm quite passive about it all.
2. whats the worst thing you've done when you were mad? Shouted at people who it had nothing to do with.
3. ever made anyone cry when you were mad? I don't think so.
4. do you swear when you're mad? Only if I've been drinking.

1. when was the last time you actually cried? yesterday, whilst reading a REALLY sweet text.
2. ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
3. do certain songs make you cry?  They do.
4. what usually makes you cry? Oh everything. Literally, I cry all the time. It's ridiculous.

1. are you a happy person? I try to be :)
2. what makes you the happiest? Jesus :)
4. do you believe in yourself? I try to.
5. when people say they think you are good looking/pretty,do you get happy? A little bit.


Okay.. I was gonna wait to do another one of these posts until I'd read a few more books, but I fell in love with a new book SO HARD that I just had to blog about the two I've read in the last well, 24 hours! 

So yeah.. I'll do the not so exciting one first.

Princess Diaries 10 - Meg Cabot.
I've read it before, but only once and a few years ago. It's like.. almost completing my childhood in some weird way. One of the first books I read for myself was the 2nd book (why I read it before the first I still don't know) and I just like.. grew up with Mia Thermopolis. Fell in love with Michael, and basically, the books, albeit being rather young for me now, and lacking in any main plotline for the most part, are so lovely. I loved reading them, and loved being taken on a ride with Mia until she FINALLY *spoiler* ends up with Michael and yay! Life is good again. I love those sorts of books. :) 6.5/10

So yes. Here's the one I LOVED.

Delirium - Lauren Oliver
THIS BOOK IS INSANE. EVERYONE SHOULD READ IT. AHHHHHH! I loved it. I read it in less than a day, and pretty much couldn't put it down once I'd gotten to the half way point, it took me on a whirlwind. It's about a world where love is apparently a 'disease' and when you're 18 you have to have this cure. And yeah, for starters- I loved it because I love the fight about like.. NO LOVE IS AMAZING. Because let's be honest here- everyone knows I'm a soppy romantic. And my goodness, half the stuff that happened I was just.. never expecting. I was so expecting it to be about one thing that when the rest of it went out I was like... WHAT?! The plot line was really clever, and the fight is just.. ahh I can't give this book enough praise. I want to read the sequel already. WHY DON'T I HAVE IT YET?! Oh wait, because it only just came out and is not in the library yet. At least a 8.5/10 - AT LEAST.

Okay. There we go. :)

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Sunday afternoon

Start at the very beginning, what's your name?

Sarah Louise Parsons

 Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? 

I own two pairs, and I love them. :) 

If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

 I have no idea. Probably spy, I'm just a tad nosey.

Does the person you like, like you back?

I have no idea! Deffo like.. platonically at least.

 What did you do last night? 

I can't even remember. Haha eventful huh?! Oooh I remember! I was having a bad day so I cried in bed whilst watching Moulin Rouge with ice cream and cake :)

 Has anybody ever given you butterflies? 

Indeed they have, although this is incredibly rare.

Are you your mum’s favorite child?

Hahaha she doesn't have favourites.

 Are you happy with the way things are going?

Yeah I guess.

Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?

I always wake up in the middle if the night.

 Sleep on your back or stomach? 

On my stummy :)

 What were you doing before this survey?


 Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles? 

 I do quite a bit yes, no idea why though!

How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?

 Oh ages these days.

 It’s Thursday night, where are you usually? 

 Hmmm I dunno, at uni I'll be at the interval with Jon and Jake (and sometimes Benji) playing Munchkin and other fun things.

Your Christmas list consists of?

 I have not thought that far ahead..

 What movie is in your DVD player? 

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?

Mmmm, probably Texas.

 What's the greatest thing that happened to you today? 

Being reminded that I'm loved.

Have you ever felt like you weren't good enough?

Far too often.

 What’s going on tomorrow night? 

 Ooh I don't know actually! 

Do you know a lot of people with the same phone as you? 

 Well I have an iphone, so yes.

Is your hair curly or straight right now?

Straight I thinks. 

 What do you really think of Starbucks Coffee? 

 I LOVE STARBUCKS. But not so much coffee.

 Does anyone love you? 

Yes, yes they do :)

Want to be taller or shorter?

I like my height :)

What are you listening to?


 When was the last time you really laughed?

I can't remember actually... it was probably at myself though.

Do you listen to music every day?

Probably :)

Last song you heard?

 So emotional - Glee.

 Is the last person that you had a conversation with a male or a female? 


 What’s the last thing you said out loud?

I can't remember. I did just say 'okay' to Haze though.

 How was your day?

It was rather nice thank you.

Describe how you feel right now in three words:

 Tired but okay.

 If someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say? 

Err I have no idea.

Has a girl sat on your bed before?

They have.

 Plans for Saturday? 

Headed to Sheffs!

Who was the last person besides yourself to touch something on your face?

Probably my mummy.

 What was your dream about last night?

 Oh gosh let's not go there. It was WEIRD.

Do you have a reason to smile right now?

I do.

 Where were you at 9 am this morning? 


Everything happens for a reason?


 Are you too forgiving?

I don't think that's actually possible, I do believe in the power of forgiveness though, yes.

 Do you think people talk about you?

Most likely.

 Do you and your parents get along? 

As well as most parents and children do.

 This time last year, were you single? 

 I was indeed.

 Have you ever been searched by the cops? 

I have not.

 Do you always wear your seat belt? 

Oh yes, I get far too scared otherwise!

Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?

Yes indeedy.

 Is there someone you wouldn’t mind kissing right now? 

 I wouldn't MIND I guess... ;_

Ever sang a whole song without missing any lyrics?

All the timme. I love song lyrics. :)

 Has someone close to you ever told you they were going to commit suicide because of you? 

err no?

 Do you think you’ve changed over the past year? 

Oh I've changed so much over the last year. But for the better, and I only have the big man to thank for that.

Do you care if people talk badly about you?

I do, but I'm trying not to.

 Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? 

 Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes.

Where were you at 10:17 pm last night and what were you doing?

Watching Moulin Rouge in bed.

 Other than this, what are you doing? 

Talking to Snippy.

Were you happy when you woke up today?

I honestly can't remember...

 Who did you last get into a big argument with?

Oh gosh probably one of my family.

Last thing you ate?

 Chocolate Moose.

 What are you looking forward to in the next three months? 

Spain :D

Are you a morning person or a night person?

Night. Definitely an owl.

 Has anyone sang to you? 

 Oh yes.

How often do you lose your voice?

I've only ever lost it completely once. But almost loosing it, far too much!

Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?

Hahaha.. err yes :/

 Be honest, do you like people in general? 

 I LOVE people.

 Does anybody hate you? 


Is there something you’re looking forward to next month?


Does it bother you when people get drunk?

Not really. I got drunk far too many times this year for it that to bother me!

 Are you mad at someone right now? 

Only a little bit.

 Will tomorrow be a good day?

It should be.

Do you like hugs and kisses?


What’s on your bed?


Last person on your bed?


Is there one person in your life that can always make you happy?

Jesus Christ.

Book Nerd

So yes, since I've been home pretty much all I've been doing is reading. I love it! And I've had lots of time to catch up. So here are just a few simple reviews of books I've read in the last week or so, completely subjective of course, I just felt like sharing it with the world. Who knows why, but ahh wells.

ONE DAY – David Nicholls
Loved it. Wasn’t one of my favourite books of all time but it was a really easy read, one that I enjoyed reading. I didn’t find it as emotional as I thought I would because I was too busy trying to find out what happened on the original day, missing what I love quite so much about books, the amount it moves me, to happiness, to tears, to absolute fear, etc etc.  I love the way books transform you to another world where you have no idea what’s going to happen and it takes you on a worldwind. I love that. And this book, although very enjoyable did not do that to the extent I wanted. And although they were clearly meant to be, Dex annoyed me terribly. He was a complete douche. Not cool. I loved Emma though. And it made me happy that she was happy. So I guess even if she ended up with Ian it would’ve satisfied me, although that would not make a very good book. Overall =  7/10. Good but not amazing. 

EXCHANGE. – Paul Magrs
Yeah this book was interesting; it was mainly for teenagers so the plotline was a bit thin. A nice read though, or at least an easy read. It didn’t take much concentration or energy to read through its pages very quickly. I like the fact the characters all just loved books, I felt like I could really connect with the characters in the themes that came through. Apart from that though, it wasn’t a book I would consider reading again. It wouldn’t make that much of a difference if I never read it in the first place. Overall=3/10.. maybe? 

PLAY DEAD. - Harlan Coben
Ahh this book was insane! It put me in an awful mood though, and I was feeling the same desperation as the main character, this meant I read it in a few goes, as such books are hard to do in one go, unless they’re at least a 9.5. The plot line was good, the fact he used the opening chapter as a way of implying it was a female, I guessed again and again and never got it right. Which is weird  cause normally I own at guessing the plotlines. It was one of the best books I’ve read in ages, although because the book was written when the guy was very young I doubt it would be seen as that technically well written, but nevertheless, it was a fantastic read. Recommend it for sures! 8.5/10 at least.

SKIN DEEP – Laura Jarratt.
This is your typical teenage love story. Or at least, the main part of it is a love story, obviously most love stories don’t start with a girl with her face burnt from a fire where her best friend dies.. but the general story is quite easy to guess. Until around half way through where something happens which I never expected, which gives major kudos to the writer. I love these sorts of stories, just because I have such a romantic nature that anything like this makes me a little happy inside. Although it is probably a little too young for me now, I still enjoyed it far more than I thought I would. 6.5/10

Not gonna lie, was a little annoyed with this book. I thought it was meant to be an epic classic?! I can’t say much about it without giving the whole plotline away but I was so annoyed at it all. I did really enjoy the way in which it was written, it was in such a way that impressed me and I can understand that Emily Bronte was a good writer. But the book in itself gave little to none satisfaction. A good read for the first time but I doubt I would ever pick it up again. 6/10

THE GREAT LOVER – Jill Dawson.
Ahh I quite enjoyed this one! I read it in like.. a day. (Although I do read insanely fast but still!) For a while the plotline had me guessing, which I appreciate ‘cause it keeps me absorbed, but after a while I was just getting annoyed that the couple didn’t realise what was going on. The main character in whom is ‘the great lover’ was actually a complete douche, and I only liked him because I liked the female who loved him so much. It’s one of those books where I found myself wanting whatever the main character wanted, and I did enjoy it, even if the ending is not what one would have wanted.  I think the book in itself was written really well and the plotline was very good, It’s just not great, I guess. I don’t know, I enjoyed reading it but it didn’t give me that innate pleasure I get from reading a really great book for the first time, like I did noughts and crosses. 7/10

CATCHING FIRE – Suzanne Collins.
AHHH THIS BOOK IS INSANE. I’ve read it before but I was having cravings so I just gave in! You have no idea how good this trilogy is. I think the first is my favourite of the series because it is the most original, but the second did not disappoint in any ways. I was in suspense the whole way through, despite knowing what was going to happen. It is written really well, and is just. AHH AMAZING! I wish I was good enough at English literature to go into more detail and actually describe why I love it so much, but I guess I can’t. Basics. It’s insane. 9/10

Mockingjay- Suzanne Collins.
YES, this is the same hunger games series. So obviously it is a good book. This is definitely my least favourite of the three, mainly because there isn’t much of Peeta in it, and he is most definitely my favourite character, am slightly in love with him. He is just so loving, and that just makes me all happy inside. The book is once more in total suspense, especially the ending- I did not know what was going on! A great conclusion to a brilliant trilogy. 8/10

I love C.S Lewis. Anyone who knows me will most likely have figured this out by now. He is amazing. I love the way he writes, I love his way of thinking. This book, although not sure whether he wrote it or what, I was a little confused by all that, was an eye-opener. It was talking about things that we do which hold us back from God and really made me think about how I can be more holy. And I LOVE the fact that it is a general reminder about how JESUS has the victory, ‘cause he does. ‘cause he’s awesome. YUP. 8/10

THE TENTH CIRCLE – Jodi Picoult.
Well, if you’ve ever read anything by Jodi you know it’s intense. It’s a rollercoaster ride that keeps on going left when you think it’s gonna go right. I had no idea what was going on half the time. It reminded me a lot of a book called ‘lost innocence’ which has to be the best book I’ve ever read, which I enjoyed, and it was so well written. I also loved the little comic strips the whole way through. Such a good read. 8/10

He is a genius. And has so much wisdom about the big man. I don’t think I could say much more. He did kinda disagree about marrying someone you simply fall in love with though, which made me a little sad, his point was valid because it’s more than a feeling and whatnot, but I still have these naive belief about falling in love and having a fairy tale ending, so that was a bit of a downer. But yes. READ IT! 9/10

So yeah.. I'm sure I'll do some more random blogs like this, but for now, enjoy! And seriously, if you haven't read the hunger games yet- DO IT.