STEP ONE: spell your name with songs.
S-- So Emotional
A- Ain't No Fooling Me.
R- (the) Reason
A- Any way you want it
H- Hit Me With Your Best Shot
– name: Sarah Louise Parsons
– birth date: 17/02/93
– eye color: Dark Brown :)
–hair color: Proper Brunette.
– zodiac sign: Don't care.
–the shoes you wore today: Black Dollies.
-- your weaknesses: Fear.
– your fear(s): Too many.
– your perfect pizza: Ohhh it's the really nice store bought one by a company I can't remember... but it's mozzorella (sp) .. but preferably wheat free!
– goal you'd like to achieve: Pass Uni!
– your best physical feature: My legs, My Smile or My Eyes.
– your bedtime? whenever I conk out I guess!
– most missed memory? Oh my uni friendies!
this or that...
– pepsi or coke? Err if I had to pick (I don't like either) I'd say Coke.
– mcdonalds or burger king: Mcdonalds. Everytime.
– adidas or nike: Err adidas :)
– chocolate or vanilla: OH MY GOODNESS. Chocolate. No question.
– cappuccino or coffee: Hmmm only just starting to like coffee really. Hmm.. I'm gonna say cappuccino though, cause I'm really good at making them :)
do you..
– Smoke: Never have never will.
– curse: Only if I'm drunk.
– sing: All the time.
– dance: On the wii?
– want to go to college: I'm at uni indeedy :)
– like high school: It was alright.
– want to get married: Yes, oh my goodness yes!
– get motion sickness: don't think so.
– think you're attractive: .. I don't think I'm ugly?
– think you're a health freak? Haha no!
– get along with your parents: Most of the time.
in the past month...
– gone to the mall: I have indeedy. Or Cabot anyway!
– eaten an entire box of oreos: Don't like them much.
– eaten sushi: nope! I feel like this should change though.
– been on stage: Nope :(
– gone skating: I don't think so.
– made homemade cookies: No but that really makes me miss Cat's!
– gone skinny dipping: I haven't done that in just under a year!
– stolen anything: I have not.
– played a game that required removal of clothing: Don't think so.
- flashed anyone: Hahahahaha... yes. Not on purpose though.
– shoplifted: I have not.
– age you hope to be married: Just after uni hopefully!
– numbers of children: 3 or 4.
– describe your dream wedding: It will be amazing. That's all I'm gonna say.
– what country would you most like to visit? malaysia.
in the opposite sex..
– best eye color? mmmm Blue.
– best hair color?: Brown.
– short hair or long hair? Short, but I guess long hair suits some people..
– height: Taller than me, deffo. The exact height doesn't really matter though.
– number of CDs that i own: too many.
– number of tattoos: none.
– number of piercings: 1 (well.. I set of piercings.)
personal quiz-
who were you with yesterday? Heidi at the cafe, and any one I served.
what woke you up this morning? I don't really remember...
where are you? In bed.
is tomorrow going to be a good day? Hopefully.
do you like anybody? Yeah.
passed out because of alcohol? I have not! WIN.
whats on your mind RIGHT NOW? How awesome Tyler Hilton is.
what kind of house do you want? one full of love.
what do you want to be when you grow up? a mummy and a wife :)
where do you see yourself in 5 years? Just finishing my first year of counselling course.
do you like candy necklaces? Mmmm yummy :)
when was the last time you fell over or ran into something? Earlier.
do you listen to music every day? I do indeedy.
do you still go trick or treating? never did it in the first place.
what was the last thing you ate? Cottage Pie :)
are you a fast typer? I am! Haze gets proper freaked out by how fast I do so.
whats your favorite type of soda? Lemonade?
have you ever moved? To uni?
have you ever won an award? Not a proper one.
are you listening to music right now? I am indeed.
how long till your birthday? Err 8 months? I think.
when were you the saddest in your whole life? Yeah let's not go there..
what time is it? 22:50
do you use ebay to buy or sell? I do not.
who makes you mad? Being manipulated to be/behave a certain way.
have you ever heard a song written about you? As far as I'm aware? Nope.
something you want to happen in 2011? Oooh it's 2012 now. So I don't know.
summer 2010? Was awesome.
honestly,do you miss 2010? Sometimes.
1. what color is your underwear? Grey.
2. whats on your mind? Missing you.
3. what are you doing right now? Typing here then going to sleep.
6. have you done something bad today? I don't think so?
8. who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Err Mummy :)
9. are you jealous of someone right now? Don't think so.
10. what makes you mad most of the time? Myself.
11. do you bite your nails? Sometimes.
12. have you had an eating disorder? how attention seeking is this question?! No, I have not.
13. do you want to see someone this very moment? That would be nice.
14. are you keeping a big secret now? I am indeed.
15. do you have a friend you dont actually like? They wouldn't be my friend if I didn't like them!
17. are you in denial? Don't think so?
18. do you get up in the middle of the night and eat? I do not.
19. do you like anyone? You've already asked me this. Yes, I do.
20. does anyone like you? Well I did get asked out by a guy as I was on my God walk today, so I guess so!
1. what do you do when you're mad? Nothing. I'm quite passive about it all.
2. whats the worst thing you've done when you were mad? Shouted at people who it had nothing to do with.
3. ever made anyone cry when you were mad? I don't think so.
4. do you swear when you're mad? Only if I've been drinking.
1. when was the last time you actually cried? yesterday, whilst reading a REALLY sweet text.
2. ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
3. do certain songs make you cry? They do.
4. what usually makes you cry? Oh everything. Literally, I cry all the time. It's ridiculous.
1. are you a happy person? I try to be :)
2. what makes you the happiest? Jesus :)
4. do you believe in yourself? I try to.
5. when people say they think you are good looking/pretty,do you get happy? A little bit.