Saturday 9 March 2013

They come in pints?

I shall start this blog with an apology, because the title has absolutely nothing with what I'm about to write- I just thought of the quote from LOTR and it made me laugh so I typed it in.

I was sat here for a little while, knowing I'm supposed to write in here but wasn't sure what I was meant to write up, so I started looking through my phone on what I've wanted to write about before but never had the time too- and now I've figured something out. Yay.

So here we go. I'm a fun child aren't I? Never really getting to the point. Okay now I'm actually gonna type on topic.

We had this sermon a few weeks ago at my Church in Sheffield (which btw, are AWESOME) and it's about unholy content and I have the verse Phillipians 4:12

 I’m glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you’re again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don’t mean that your help didn’t mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles.

And in my head I was just like- IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M NOT CONTENT, and felt a little condemned, not gonna lie. But then I had to fight myself and be like- God does not condemn me, and it's completely different whilst suffering a mental illness (I think I may have written about this a few weeks ago, but thankfully this is not my point today so this isn't a complete waste of time to read.)

But then I was thinking and was like- being depressed is not an excuse to simply hate my life. Yes. I am often apathetic about it, yes I cry a lot, yes it is very hard. But allowing myself to wallow in that? Not only does that make me feel worse, but it is simply not useful! 

There is a very thin line within this, I am well aware. I understand that we can't help it all of the time, but when we allow it to define us, that is not okay. And if this comes across as condemning I want to apologise- that is not my point whatsoever!  

Joyce Meyer often talks about fighting yours thoughts, and the bible talks about taking them captive, and I think this is a principle we choose to ignore because it's like- we have a free pass. I know I do that- I'll be like- well I'm allowed to wallow in my emotions, accept that this is my destiny because I've got depression- but actually, that is not what God wants for us.

He wants us to have life, and life to the full. This is naturally very difficult but if there are ways that can make us better, if only a little bit. I believe it's worthwhile.

So guys. This is my point. Don't settle for our misery. DO NOT SETTLE. Having a mental illness does not give us a free pass to dwell on our emotions. True, it really cannot be helped how we feel most of the time, but don't encourage it! That'll only make us worse. Practically, I don't even know how this will work for each person, I don't even know how to apply it to my own life, but I have this feeling God will work that out somehow. If I'm having a bad day, yes I may need to be on my own and rest, but that doesn't mean I have to give up. Fighting doesn't necessarily mean having to go out of the house, and being constantly busy, but maybe just getting out of bed and getting changed, or whatever it might be for you. Let's not settle. That's it.

Love you guys.
I doubt I articulated (would that be the word to use seeing as I'm writing this down, I don't even know!) this well, I'm not great with words. But I hope you can see what I'm saying anyway.
God thinks you're special, and he loves you very much!
BYE x  

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