Tuesday, 16 September 2014

You're Beautiful to Me

So hey friends. ❤️ long time no post!

I was just thinking about something the other day and thought id share it, cause it was pretty profound (at least for me anyway)

So yeah. If you guys know me at all you will know that I LOVE romantic films, tv programmes with cute couples, books, anything on those lines. My favourite bits being when the guy comes along and gives the big monologue about how much he loves the girl. I just sigh and cry and just get very happy inside and then I just have hope ya'no? I just wish someone would say those things about me!

So I was then thinking about Jesus and how awesome he is. And how actually the whole bible is pretty mch as love story, a love story about God's relationship with us. God's relationship with ME. And I realise that God does say all those beautiful things about me. He thinks I'm beautiful, wonderfully made. He made me his masterpiece! So not only does he love me just the way I am quirks and all, he MADE me knowing I would have those flaws! He chose me to be his precious possession before he even created the world.

Now that's a pretty awesome love story.
So, I'm gonna (try) to start looking to God's word to read wonderful things about me, said by the one person who matters! Why don't you try the same?
(If you're looking for somewhere to start, try psalm 139) ❤️